The Revolt of the Feminist Law Profs
Image by Somesh Kesarla Suresh
The Chronicle Review released a piece regarding a small group of feminist law professors at Harvard, who have criticized how college campuses across the United States have handed Title IX adjudications.
“The sex bureaucracy, in other words, pivoted from punishing sexual violence to imposing a normative vision of ideal sex, to which students are held administratively accountable.”
“Recently ... a black, autistic student with cerebral palsy was charged and found responsible for a Title IX violation for asking a woman to give him a fist bump. In a separate article on the Title IX system, Janet Halley describes an order placed on a student at an Oregon liberal arts college to avoid any contact with a female student because he reminded her of someone who had raped her, forcing him to quit his job and placing him in constant jeopardy of being punished for violating the order, despite no wrongdoing on his part even being alleged.”
Article by Wesley Yang, Read more at The Chronicle Review